Our Philosophy


Knowledge is power. In this fast paced world, knowledge sharing has become inevitably essential. Our motto is ‘Knowledge exchange’, which will let us all learn from our past experiences and grow into a better future. We are excited to present you this discussion platform, where the mentors and mentees get into a healthy interaction, to learn from each other. As a social being, it’s our personal responsibility to constantly learn and grow. We invite you here, to learn, unlearn and relearn with us. Join us, for an everlasting learning experience and a journey to enrich your life.

Our Mission

1 Million

its our initial step towards a bigger impact. We encourage you all to be a part of our endeavor to connect with a million people. To share and gain knowledge through an exclusive and informal discussion platform. ‘Confab’ which happens twice a month is a free webinar for anyone interested. The NOT community’s mission is to reach as many people as possible, for a knowledge ride

Our Topics


Our Journey

We educate around the globe

We educate around the globe

People who registered for current Event
Let’s Support for Education

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While, providing education, is the most effective way to enhance a human being, we at NOT, believe in facilitating financial aids as well. Our dear student, Mr. Shanmuga pandian, is one of the smartest guys we have met. He needs help from all of us to fulfil his academic dreams. A small support from each one of you, can colour his dreams in a big way.
